Cat Care

Purebred vs Non-Pedigreed Cats

Purebred vs Non-Pedigreed Cats

Cats, those captivating creatures with independent spirits and purrs that melt hearts, can make fantastic companions. But with shelters overflowing with adorable faces and breeders showcasing a kaleidoscope of purebred breeds, a crucial question arises: which feline friend is right for you? This blog delves into the fascinating world of feline genetics, exploring the pros and cons of both purebred and non-bred (domestic shorthair/longhair) cats to help you make an informed decision. Purebred Felines: A Legacy of Lineage Purebred cats, like the majestic Maine Coon or the captivating British Shorthair, boast documented pedigrees tracing their ancestry back generations. Breeders meticulously...

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Top 10 Home Triggers For Cat Asthma

Top 10 Home Triggers For Cat Asthma

Our feline companions bring endless joy and amusement to our lives. But just like us, they can suffer from health concerns, and feline asthma can be a scary mystery for many cat owners. If you've noticed your precious kitty wheezing, coughing, or having difficulty breathing, it's crucial to visit the vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. However, before that visit, let's turn detectives and uncover hidden culprits lurking in your home that might be triggering your cat's asthma. 1. The Wrong Litter Box Setup: We all want a clean and fresh-smelling home for both us and our feline...

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Can Cats Sense Bad Vibes?

Can Cats Sense Bad Vibes?

For centuries, cats have held a mystical air. Ancient Egyptians revered them as deities, and countless cultures have woven them into folklore. A prominent theme in these stories is the cat's uncanny ability to sense things beyond the human realm. But is there any truth to the idea that cats can feel the "vibe" of people? Science doesn't offer a definitive "yes" or "no," but it does shed light on some fascinating feline capabilities that might explain their seeming sensitivity to human emotions. Let's delve into the world of cat perception and explore the reasons why your furry friend might...

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How To Take Care of Your Cats During Raya

How To Take Care of Your Cats During Raya

Raya is a time for family reunions and celebrations, but what about our feline companions? Traveling back to your hometown with your cat requires careful planning to ensure a stress-free journey for both of you. This blog post will explore the essentials of caring for your cat during your Raya travels, whether you're bringing them along for the car ride, boarding them at a pet-friendly hotel, or leaving them at home with a trusted pet sitter. Traveling with Your Cat: Car Ready: If you plan to bring your cat on a car trip, ensure your car is cat-friendly. Invest in a...

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Why Monthly Litter Box Deep Clean is Important for Your Cat's Health?

Why Monthly Litter Box Deep Clean is Important for Your Cat's Health?

  For every cat owner, the litter box is a fact of life. We scoop dutifully, dealing with the daily deposits our feline companions leave behind. But what about that deeper clean, the one that involves replacing all the litter and scrubbing down the box itself? Many of us might be tempted to let a good scooping session suffice, pushing off a full clean until...well, the odour becomes undeniable. But hold on! A monthly deep clean of your cat's litter box is about so much more than just banishing unpleasant smells. It's a crucial step in keeping your cat healthy,...

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